I am in a relationship that is generally pretty healthy. We got financial issues on both ends but that kinda evens the playing field so it takes some guilt off each of us. As far as physical looks go, we are both desirable people, in my opinion we both sexy as fuck. But unlike in my past where the men I date are always the one wanting me more then I seem to want them (which is how I prefer it to be.^*) in my current relationship I’m the hornier one, almost always, and on multiple occasions my man has literally kind of hurt my ego by telling me I am coming across too available, like thirsty, therefore it doesn’t make him want to fuck.????!! Like usually I’d only want sex from my partner a few times at most a week, but we barely doing it that much and still it doesn’t seem like I’m doing a very good job making him want it because he knows one touch between my legs and that sexy look he gives me turns me on enough where I’m DOWWWNN! 🙄😝😍 however he clearly the type he likes the chase, and not getting me to give in that easily even though we exclusive and sleep together every night, are together all the time. So no room for me to worry about other girls scooping him up. So please any advice, constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Thanks ahead of time!! 🙃🙃🙃🖤🖤🖤

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