There is this guy I really like in my class and I haven’t really noticed or known him before until last month. And since then we’ve been texting each and other and getting to know each other. Now there have been instances where we flirt with each other or tease each other. And it has also gotten to a point where I directly complimented him saying he’s adorable and then he saying Oh am I hmm and just teasing each other. The thing is seconds after this he texts me saying he has to tell me something really important then backs out saying he asked his friend for advice who told him to wait a bit longer. And I don’t know what to think of that like is it what I think it is and it has happened a couple of times sometimes it I can’t say it today or I don’t know how to. Another thing is me once telling him his voice sounds real good and now he sends me voice texts on snap all the time. I really don’t know whether he likes me back or he’s just being nice but then again he is a very shy introverted type. Ugh. But now the real question is should I ask him out or no? Because I am genuinely clueless. My friends keep saying I should but I am worried that it’s too soon then I remember him telling me he doesn’t like to take things slow but is this too fast?! I don’t want to rush into anything but I genuinely like him and it’s not a phase. Please help, i need help

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