Hypothetically, it’s your sister’s birthday and your SO posts “happy birthday to the second most beautiful woman”. How would you feel about it?

  1. Flattered, because you guys probably look a like and he’s trying to be nice. UNLESS you think he could genuinely want your sister in a different way??

  2. Unsettled. Weirded out. It would definitely be a “Oh no you didn’t!” thing.

  3. I would think it was lovely he was complimenting my sister on her big day!

    Unless there’s some other weirdness or flirtiness between them this seems less than harmless.

  4. I would be a bit weirded out by it but it seems like men feel the need to comment on a woman’s appearance no matter who she is, so I suppose it isn’t too out there

  5. It means your SO clearly thinks highly of your family’s genetics lol I’d feel that they’re trying to be nice, so I’d appreciate it and I’d take what they’re saying at face value.

  6. I would be annoyed because “the second most beautiful woman” is a compliment to me, not to my sister. I would understand he is trying to be nice, but it’s a backhanded compliment.

    Also how does my sister feel? Is she weirded out that her appearance is being commented on by my partner? I would not want her to feel like my partner is creeping on her.

  7. I’d call them a liar cause I’m a twin and she’s prettier than me. Lol reality is what it is

  8. High five my sis cause we won the genetic lottery and remind my SO to call our mom the third most beautiful woman on her birthday 😆

  9. I’d think it were really weird. Not because I’d be suspicious, it just sounds so odd lol.

  10. To me, that is some socially awkward, inappropriate, weird af comparison to make and even worse to actually say to the person.

    That would be weirdly inappropriate for our relationship and theirs. I wouldn’t even consider it a nice or appropriate thing to say to someone at all – much less to your partner’s sister for her birthday. My sister would find that unbearably awkward and weird. Same for me.

  11. it would definitely be a little weird. I mean, she’s very pretty but more like slightly above average. Which is fine, she has countless qualities that are way more important. (Just fyi, if this sounds like I’m downplaying her, I’m not, she’s 10x more beautiful than I’ll ever be and I’m perfectly happy with that)

  12. It’s absolutely adorable 🥰

    She’s a carbon copy of me anyways. All I can say is that he has great taste 🤣

  13. Back-handed and unnecessary comment. Would he say this to his biological sister?

  14. I would think he was being really sweet. I’m not sure how else to interpret it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  15. I don’t have a sister but that would be pretty weird. Then again, I don’t know your husband or the rest of your family. Some families are like that and it means nothing more than a compliment.

  16. I assume that’s just their way to compliment people. I personally prefer not to rank people by looks, but I bet he doesn’t have any bad intentions behind that compliment.

  17. He wanted to give your sister a compliment on her birthday but obviously wanted to make it clear you are the most beautiful to him. Take it for what it was, a compliment! Unless there’s more to his behaviour you’ve seen I wouldn’t take it any other way.

  18. what’s wrong with a simple “happy birthday, you deserve the best” type of comment? there’s no reason to insert appearance or attractiveness into compliments towards people you’re not attracted to.

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