My older brother (41m) and I (34f) have a great relationship and remain close to this day. When I was growing up we had a challenging home environment, and he was someone I felt safe with. I idolized him, and he was someone I would go to with problems and questions or just when I needed to talk to someone.

When I was an early teen he was in college and had a girlfriend (who I also idolized). I just thought of them as so grown up and mature, even though they were 20 or 21, and I had a lot of questions for him about relationships and dating, things I didn’t feel comfortable asking others about.

I would ask him about sex sometimes, and he was very honest and frank about it, and didn’t make me feel weird. I honestly learned more about sex and sexual relationships from him than anyone else at that early age. He wasn’t afraid to go into detail if I asked detailed questions.

I mentioned this to my husband the other day, and he was very taken aback by this. He had a lot of questions about what I asked my brother about, and clearly implied it was odd and unusual. Honestly I hadn’t thought of it that way at all but now I realize it was probably not the norm. And now I am kind of questioning myself.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Should I just drop it?

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