So I was at my Dad’s house today to hang out with him (as I do every week once a week). And he has a dog that’s 2 years old. That is still very much into the chewing stage. The dog disappears for awhile and I get up to go find her. And she’s in the bathroom(Dad generally keeps all doors shut to prevent the dog from chewing up stuff in those rooms). So I close the door and tell him his dog was in the bathroom. He goes oh okay that’s my bad. I left the door open by mistake. 3 hours later I go to leave and decide to use the bathroom before I leave. Well the doggo got some toilet paper I didn’t see and shredded it in a corner. I picked it up. On my way out I told my Dad what his dog did. And he goes when did she get into that? I said: When you left the bathroom door open. He goes no I didn’t. I didn’t go in there. He’s always been like this. He’ll say something (for example: last week I asked him to stop by with his air compressor to pump air into my tire that was low. He didn’t. I called and asked him why he didn’t stop by and he said I didn’t say I was going to stop by. Stop putting words in my mouth).

Is this some kind of social skill behavior? This is also one reason why my Mom told me she divorced him was because he always did that to her too. Even though I was a witness to some of it. And he always said no i didn’t. And her and I would go yes you did. Is this a form of gaslighting?

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