Men of reddit, what’s more pleasurable for you nowadays, your imagination or real life sex?

  1. To most who actually have a “real life sex[life]” it is preferable and that can be said in such a generalized way because our body is designed to feel better when actually doing it instead of reproducing it. Men basically evolved to feel best when actually having sex with a real partner, it is the thing all the buffers try to live up to, it sets the standards.

    That being said ofc there are increasing numbers of dead bedrooms.

    And another thing to consider – the number if men who do actually have an active sexlife is declining faster with each generation. So the number of people who actually can conpare the two is on the decline.

  2. Imagination is cheaper, easier and, most importantly, better than nothing. A little fake and temporary pleasure is better than no pleasure at all.

    The latter would be better, but it is what it is.

  3. Real life if you really like the girl. If you don’t know her personally, then imagination is the true way to go.

  4. Sex is more pleasurable…. But not proportional to the amount of work and drama increase. Sometimes it’s worth it… Often it isn’t. Sex has a lot more going against it that can easily outweigh the benefits in a lot of circumstances. It doesn’t last very long compared to some of the costs associated with it.

    Masturbate… And you’re done. Not fantastic, but pretty easy… And you get to do what you like.

    Have sex… The right way… And you get the “joy” of trying to avoid really enjoying yourself so that you can concentrate on her pleasure. Then there is the social cost of being treated as if she did you a favor. Sex is definitely better when considered separately… But all the extras add up and the trick to making sex actually preferable to fantasy means maneuvering yourself into a situation where the numbers maximise the total value.

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