My husband turned 28 early December. For his actual bday I gave him a snow jacket and snow pants and gloves and told him that I booked an Airbnb in WV for us to go on a ski trip. I didn’t booked it for his bday weekend bc it wasn’t forecasted for the area to have any snow and I don’t even think the slopes were open then. I pushed back the trip two weeks from Jan 5 to the 19th because we found out a week before Xmas that we can’t bring our dogs with us and we have to pay $600 for a sitter while we are gone to visit family for the holidays. I also wanted to make sure that he saw actual snow fall and stick to the ground bc he had never seen that before. On Christmas Eve my husband lets me know that we have to buy all the kids in the family (he’s 1 of 5 and there were 12 kids) presents for Xmas. That put me $900 in the hole. I was able to buy us ALL of our gear (except for my snow jacket) and the Airbnb for two nights and I asked for him to cover the lift tickets in advance and I’ll pay him the day we go snowboarding (which was the same day I got paid).

He just told me that it wasn’t a birthday trip to him bc I asked him to pay for the ski tickets (that I paid him back for). To him, it didn’t feel special bc it wasn’t on his birthday but a month and a half out instead. Obviously the way he said it hurt me a lot. He didn’t even buy me a single present for Christmas. I tried so hard to make sure we had everything we needed. He said it would have been a bday trip if he didn’t have to pay a single dime and we just waited another two weeks till I had the money to cover everything. I had already put in $1200 into this trip… but he also says that it’s not a bday trip bc it wasn’t his bday. Which is another reason I didn’t push it out even further… “It was just a trip, it didn’t feel special at all”. Idk how to feel.

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