What do you have as your phone background?

  1. Currently shirtless Tom Ellis. I switch between that my dog, my cat and my fiance

  2. Some random art with anime girl wearing maid clothes. >!And i’m not ashamed of it.!<

  3. I’m a man, but I just have a black background. I prefer dark mode for anything that’s applicable.

    I do have a super cute photo of my cat as my lock screen though 🙂

  4. A photo of myself walking down some stone stairs towards the sea. It’s a very pretty, vibrant photo and since I have my back to the camera I don’t cringe every time I look at myself. 🤣 It’s from my recent holiday and it just makes me smile when I reminisce.

  5. My lockscreen is my grandmother, my sister and I

    My homescreen is Aboriginal artwork completed by my colleague who is also an artist.

  6. My lock screen is my man, and my home screen is my man and his daughter. 🥰 soon it’ll be a pic of the 3 of us with an ultrasound image.

  7. I have a live wallpaper of sky colours based on my phone’s battery. When the battery is low – it’s sunset and when it’s full – it’s sunrise.

  8. My dad and I on Halloween a few years back. We went to a haunted hay ride, I think it was one of the few moments I felt genuinely happy – nothing in my mind except for that moment.

  9. Lockscreen – my dogs when they were both alive
    Homscreen – the one that passed away 2 years ago
    Both looking perfect 🥰

  10. My lock screen is a screenshot from a recent episode of the Wolfman of Wolvershire. My home screen is the borderless alt art version of Takenuma, Abandoned Mire.

  11. A picture of me in a stroller as a baby and my dad pushing me with a proud as punch look on his face, he passed away about a year ago now and this way I see his face everyday 🙂 my lock screen is a collage of pictures of me and my very spoilt fat chihuahua 😂

  12. Photo of BTS Spelling ARMY in the Butter MV in the lock screen and a fanart of my fav Genshin Impact character made by my boyfriend in the home screen

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