So my husband started getting into my book collection, šŸ˜ and I read a lot of different kinds of booksā€¦ but when it comes to fiction itā€™s things like ACOTAR, the Ravenhood series, Fourth Wingā€¦fantasy but definitely spicy.

All the sudden, this man, who definitely was already awesome, is likeā€¦a constant dream. He mentioned to me that he has really been loving getting behind the female mindset (both from a female author perspective but also characters/relational story lines) and he said it like opened his eyes to the ways women think, and also what they a way he hasnā€™t experienced before.

I feel like Iā€™m married to a book character. Like the best hottest one. My husbandā€¦but like 3.0

But heā€™s not trying to play a part. Itā€™s so pure. Itā€™s almost as if there are just so many new things on his radar when it comes to our relationship that previously went unnoticed. Not for lack of trying, but it makes sense- we always want to be able to share our internal worlds with our men but sometimes itā€™s hard to bridge the gap, and so much of what we consume in media is male dominant, male driven, he just expressed how much he values this new perspective. I hope thatā€™s not offensive I think men are awesome- but you get what I mean.

Anywayyyysss, Iā€™m just throwing out a rec for the men to get addicted to some of these booksā€¦you never know how it might benefit your love life.

And bedroom spice. šŸ„µ

Any other husbands out there venturing into the world of ACOTAR or other similar series?šŸ§ššŸ“• šŸ”„āš”ļø??


UPDATE/answering questions:

I am referring to ACOTAR type series.

To me itā€™s not a turn off at all. The books are honestly just good and entertaining. And I think men should be able to like what they like, and he happens to like them. If I can enjoy male-centered stories why canā€™t males dive into female centered love stories?! But that aside, there is quite a lot of gore and violence and action in ACOTAR so Iā€™m not surprised it peaked his interestā€¦itā€™s a fairytale but itā€™s dark and full of suspense. Men should feel no shame enjoying these books.

As far as how he acts- he just seems to understand me and my thought processes more quickly than before. He has an easier time being empathetic. He told me that itā€™s easier for him to relate to women now. He has much more of a tender approach in our day to day, but he is also insanely hot and dominant in all the right/non-aggressive ways. This definitely translates to our sex life. He flirts more and he just makes me feelā€¦..seen. In a way that maybe he wanted to before but couldnā€™t quite connect? Itā€™s not that he *wasnā€™t* doing any of this before, heā€™s just better at it all now.

Itā€™s hard to describe. And I realize every couple and all relationships have totally different dynamics, but it has most definitely brought us closer somehow, and thatā€™s a win to me.

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