Hey everyone. A lot of time I will be with a large group of people and some of us like to do cocaine. Do girls like cocaine and if so what the deal from there. Appreciate any and all advice. Love this sun

  1. My father too liked doing cocaine. He now lives in a crack house. Good luck.

  2. One thing I learned after growing up, everyone does cocaine. Girls love cocaine. Just gotta find the cool ones you can have a drink with. They *are* out there.

  3. Yes, some women absolutely love cocaine, though unfortunately cocaine can often attract people who do not have the best mental health or honorable intentions. Its a great social lubricator, a means to lower inhibitions to a level that better facilitates bonding in adults, but you have to keep your guard up and avoid the folks who prioritize the drugs over the greater experience. When the drugs become the central focus and not merely an accentuator or a tool, that’s when you run. All of this goes for MDMA too.

    Yes: doing a few bumps with friends while out dancing/socializing

    No: sitting around a kitchen table sucking down an 8-ball with 3 other motormouths til 5am.

    Be careful, because if you have to ask if women like cocaine, I suspect your experience with it may be minimal.

  4. Where I’m from cocaine seems to be just as popular as alcohol up town nowadays.

    go into any toilet in a pub or club and you get guys standing around doing cocaine. i would imagine the womens toilets are the same.

    I would stay away from cocaine because its extremely addictive.

  5. Druggies get nowhere in life. Change direction immediately. Save yourself. Be somebody.

  6. Lol is this a troll post? Anyways women who like cocaine will like cocaine. Women aren’t a monolith. I also recommend you stop that soon or you might overdose or die at 50 from a heart attack

  7. Girls love cocaine. But you can still get girls without it, easily. Don’t need to do it bro. Just gotta level up and be desirable.

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