Before reading, I want to state that any examples below are just for reference, and not trying to view them in a negative way. I just genuinely don’t understand this concept of socializing.

So over my lifetime, I’ve come to notice that a lot of people I’ve seen who don’t care to help others much including their families or friends, are the ones who receive the most affection and attention from their surrounding circles.

A few examples I can think of are certain siblings who don’t help with chores, yell back, don’t go to work, etc. yet their parents buy them a new car out of nowhere. Meanwhile, the other sibling who has been working full time, helping cover costs, helping with chores, just gets treated like they’re expected to do that, and receives nothing in return.

Another one is a very typical example that I’ve seen happen too often, where for example in a school setting, there will be a student who helps countless kids and tries to be extremely kind and positive to everyone, yet when their birthdays roll around everyone could care less. Or if they’re the ones needing help, everyone looks the other way.

Then, there’s the students who seem to complain about EVERY little thing, have the worst attitudes (crying, yelling, fighting over insignificant things), don’t treat others with much respect, and seem to not care at all about others’ emotions, yet they have people flocking to them wanting to be there for them, telling them how amazing they are, planning trips and huge birthdays for them.

As someone who naturally likes to care for and help people, this concept has me in shambles. I feel like I need to treat other badly in order to gain some weird form of respect and affection from people, and i swear it’s slowly breaking me apart.

Growing up, I always thought people who cared and loved others the most, and who worked the hardest got the most respect. But now, it seems like people only “respect” others as a form of admiration and idolization for extremely shallow reasons, or through utter pity because someone hasn’t developed a backbone yet. How is our society supposed to thrive when this is how we treat others? It makes no sense to me.

Opinions? Different views? Comments? I love honesty and I’m open to it all, please share.

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