My (27F) husband (28M) has been working at his job for almost a year and decided about 3 months ago that it would be a good idea to be in a car alone with his female coworker and share a joint. He didn’t tell me until weeks after it happened and it randomly slipped out in conversation that he did that. I was visibly upset because that coworker isn’t bad looking, she’s roughly around the same age as us, and is known to have a shoddy on/off again relationship.

Fast forward a few more weeks and he tells me some gossip from work that the same coworker he was in the car with is pregnant. I was doing the math and the timeline fits. I immediately asked if it’s his and he quickly declined the insinuation. I told him that he needs to get a paternity test and he thinks I’m joking.

Now he’s telling me that he wouldn’t even be able to get a paternity test to prove anything because she aborted the baby.

I don’t know what to do, am I trying to make something out of nothing or is this something that I should be worried about?

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