Would you date someone bald or with thinning hair? Why or why not?

  1. Sure. That’s not at all relevant to me. I’m far more interested in who they are as a person than in whether or not the follicles on their head are sprouting.

  2. Yes my husbands hair was thinning when I met him.. still is.

    It’s something he doesn’t like but I don’t care.

  3. Excuse you, Patrick Stewart is one of the sexiest men in the world and he’s been bald as an egg for 90% of his life.

  4. bald & covered with tattoos? 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

  5. I’m going on a date with a bald guy today – sooo yes! I love hair, but I’d rather be with someone great, regardless of hair

  6. I don’t think it’s a dealbreaker, but I admit it depends on the overall looks of the person. Genes don’t matter to me because I don’t plan to procreate anyways.

  7. Yes! I prefer men to shave their head if the hair loss is significant though tbh, just think it looks good

  8. Why on earth not? Hair is just outside decoration. It’s inside that counts.

  9. Once you get to your thirties almost all men your age have thinning hair. And, yes they’re still hot.

  10. It’s probably going to happen when they get older anyway so why not

  11. When I was single, it would not have been a factor if he met my other criteria for dating: good personality and good hygiene.

  12. My husband’s hair is on its way out 😂 I just see it as a natural byproduct of aging. This is kind of like asking if a man/woman would date a woman with some fine lines or wrinkles. I would hope so!

    It might be different for someone super young but to me if you are 25+ you are going to start seeing signs of aging in the dating pool.

  13. There haven’t been many balding men I’ve found attractive, but it’s not like I’d rule it out.

  14. Women go through hair thinning too and who knows if either one have to go through something as horrible as cancer.

    But if it’s something you just can’t get over with, you have the right to make “no dating bald men” a rule

  15. My partners hair is “thinning” and he’s convinced he’ll be bald within 5-6 years, I’ve never noticed but I’ll love him all the same

  16. Sure, I’m not perfect so I don’t expect anyone else to be. Bald can be really sexy too.

  17. When I started dating my husband we were in our early 30’s. My mom said to me “you know he’s going to be bald someday right?” Of course I could see that, but it never occurred to me that was an issue for some. I loved him then and still do now.
    Also, we are now in our late 50’s and I am in the midst of a breast cancer diagnosis/treatment, I lost two boobs and all my hair. So BOTH of us were bald for a time! My husband was the most amazing and caring partner while I was in pain, sick and bald.
    I wish my mom was still here so I could show her my choice was always right. 27 years strong!

  18. I would. Not my type normally, but I know a few guys who went bald young, but have the personality that attracts me. I just like running my hands through hair, and I told my current bf if he shaves his head, I’ll cry. Bald people aren’t ugly though. Just the people who judge someone because they are bald.

  19. Yeah, appearance changes over decades anyways, for all I know I could lose my hair. All I care about is that they are kinda and intelligent.

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