Since i graduated school and moved abroad 4y ago, I have had a Hard time making friends. Well it was Hard before too but i had friends, now i dont. I guess it is being foreign plus mild autism. Here is the issue:

I have no problem approaching People, having a couple of conversations with them (at uni, at work) and asking them to grab a coffee. We normally go out once or twice have nice time, no awkwardness… And then we stop communication. Like afterwards when i try to arrange sth, the People always say lets postpone, then we never do it. But if/when i meet them again in a couple of weeks, they seem friendly to me we still have convos, they ask me questions.

So my partner figured out that i probably do not make a huge impact. Like the People dont dislike me – there is no reason for them to, but i dont make them want to be my close friend, i dont make them want to definitely have me in their life. Like i am a take it or leave it kind of person. I asked what impact did i make on him to get close to me and he said u were having a mental breakdown (that was over 2y ago… I was in a bad mental state but this is not relevant atm as i have resolved those issues).

Interestingly, i have always gotten attention from men, even recently i thought i made a friend but he Just wanted to sleep with me which made me feel so sad. But normally after a couple of months the men lost interest, probably again i didnt really make enough of a impact for them to want me to be in their life.

So… HOW do i make that impact.

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