In England for example the fixed date bank holidays (Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year) get postponed: eg the Christmas and Boxing Day holidays last year were on 27th and 28th December.

In Czechia on the order hand I believe this isn’t the case, and this year 5 out of the 13 public holidays will fall on a weekend.

  1. If a fixed-date public holiday falls on a sunday, it doesn’t get post-phoned. Denmark has three fixed-day holidays: Christmas Day and Second Christmas Day (December 25th and 26th), and New Year’s Day (January 1st). As the term “fixed-date” implies, they are fixed… to their dates. So no, they aren’t moved.

    The majority of Danish holidays are however not fixed-day. They are all calculated based on Easter, so they vary depending on when Easter falls. Two national holidays are always Sundays: Easter and Pentecoste.

    Among socialists there is support to make it so that all holidays are scrapped, and workers instead get 14 days of more vacation every year—instead of the 11 current holidays—but this is opposed by liberals and social democrats, so it will likely not come to pass for a long time.

  2. if public holiday falls on Saturday – you can take it in lieu on any other day.

    If on Sunday – tough luck, it’s lost

  3. Only King’s Day gets a different date if it falls on a Sunday. In that case it will be moved to a Saturday. So no extra day off for regular workers even then.

    This time all public winter holidays (both Christmas days as well as New Year’s) fell in the weekend. The others are either fixed or fall on a weekday this year

  4. In Ireland if it falls on a either a Saturday or Sunday, the actual holiday is observed on the Monday.

  5. Here in Germany the holiday is lost…2020, 2021 and 2022 have been / are the public holidays on weekends… Such a pity!

  6. They never get moved, we miss out.

    Portugal has 10 fixed date public holidays, 2 public holidays on non-weekend fixed days of the week and 1 public holiday on Sunday (Easter). In addition, there’s 1 holiday that varies from city to city, which is usually a fixed date.

  7. In the case of a public holiday landing on a weekend day, the adjacent Monday is a day-off.

  8. Wait, what? You postpone holidays so people get a day off? I’ve never heard of that. Despite having lived in the UK for a while. Granted I was there to study, not to work.

    In Finland, the bank holidays are when they are. There are always people who have to work through bank holidays anyway even if they’re during the weekend, so I don’t really see the point in postponing the holidays.

  9. We miss out.

    2021 sucked in terms of holidays, too many were on a weekend. At least 2nd Day of Christmas and German Unity Day are on a Monday this year (longer weekends). May Day is lost again.

  10. Same in ireland thankfully. We only have 9 public holidays but if they fall on the weekend the following Monday is a “Bank holiday”. Paid day off on monday

  11. In Ireland, the holiday still falls on the day it’s due (so this year, Christmas Day was still 25th and Stephen’s day 26th) but since they fell on Saturday and Sunday this year, everyone got Monday and Tuesday off instead (or additional pay/a different day off if they have to work)

  12. Some [public holidays in Finland]( are fixed to the calendar date and others (moveable) to the certain weekdate. There are no compensations if a calendar day fixed public holiday falls on a weekend unless you have to work on that day. In that case besides extra wages for working in a public holiday, you’ll get also the same extras as for the work in a the regular weekend.

  13. We miss out.

    A few years ago we had a system where we’d get an extra day off if a public holiday fell on Tuesday or Thursday, we’d get either Monday or Friday off for a 4-day weekend. To covert the lost productivity, Saturday of the next week would be a workday.

    This was abolished because on some years we’d have such weekends a bit too often, it was messy and impractical.

  14. You miss out.

    In some cases if you take the week off and there is an holiday the Saturday, it can use only four of your vacation days instead of five… But it depends on how your company count business days, and I don’t really get it (aside from “it works in my company”).

  15. If they fall on Sundays then they get moved to Monday but if they fall on Saturdays we miss out.

  16. Miss Out… There was a debate in Slovenian parlament that if 2 consecutive holidays fall over weekends, monday is a day off. Of couse right wingers blocked the notion.

  17. The number of “bank holidays” (they bear the beautiful name of “gesetzliche Feiertage” in German) varies from state to state.

    For example, there are eleven such holidays in the State of Saarland. This year, 9 put of 11 will be during the week, which is exceptionally good.

    They are:

    Karfreitag (Good Friday)

    Ostermontag (Easter Monday)

    Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day)

    Pfingstmontag (Pentecost Monday)

    Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi)

    Mariä Himmelfahrt (Assumption of Mary)

    Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity)

    Allerheiligen (all saints Day)

    Zweiter Weihnachtstag (Boxing Day)

    Still, could be better. But 2022 is going to be okay, at least as far as holidays are concerned.

  18. We get all 10 public holidays every year. If they fall on on a weekend day they get moved to elsewhere in the calendar year. This depends on the employer.

    Likely replacements are:

    * Friday 27 May – replaces New Year’s Day, bridges the gap between Ascension day and the weekend
    * Friday 22 July – replaces Workers Day (May 1st), bridges the gap between the National Holiday and the weekend
    * Monday 31 October – replaces Christmas day, bridges the gap between the weekend and All Saints Day

  19. They get postponed. For example the 1st and 2nd of January are public holidays every year but since they fall on Saturday and Sunday respectively, the 3rd and 4th of January are also days off.

    In total there are 14 public days off a year.

  20. Every single holiday gets postponed here, moved to make a weekend longer unless it falls on Wednesday.

  21. We miss out. This year will be the worst since a lot of holidays (especially during december, namely Christmas and New years eve/day) will be on Saturday or Sunday.

  22. We used to get a free day of vacation leave if a public holiday falls on a weekend.

    Then during one of the economic recessions they took that away and we miss out.

    And now the government is slowly giving them back to us one extra day a year.

  23. We miss out in Turkey. But because of the arrangement of the days of the holidays, only one or two at maximum falls on a weekend for single day holidays. Two Islamic holidays are three and four days and change days every year because they are calculated according to the lunar calendar though, so they can fall on a weekend more often.

  24. We miss out, but got so many in general we end up with a lot of free days during the year it doesnt matter. And lots of holidays are falling on a thursday or monday on purpose, which is nice.

  25. It doesn’t get postponed, but if it falls on a Saturday, you get an extra day off to use somewhen else.

  26. Yes, they get moved to the nearest working day after them. For example, January 1st was Saturday, so we had the 4th off in lieu. Similarly, the 25th and 26th fell on the weekend, so we got the 27th and 28th off too.

  27. In surprised by the responses here. I’m the US, if a federal holiday falls in Saturday or Sunday, it is observed on Friday or Monday for most employees. (For Federal employees who regularly work weekends, most can take the holiday on the holiday itself, but I’m sure there are some exceptions.) I would have thought that the US practice is typical.

  28. It depends on the type of holiday. Usually we miss out on religious holidays but non-religious get postponed. This isn’t 100% accurate but the government most times makes a decision on a case by case basis.

    One of the criteria they have I think is if they can make a three day weekend out of it and if doing so will support the hospitality industry with people leaving from cities to the countryside.

  29. It getss postponed, was really eurpised to learn we were one of the few countries in Europe doing this, it seems like such a no brainer thing.

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