Hello to all,

Just wanted some advice on an issue that’s been kind of irritating me now for some time.

So basically I feel myself lonely socially. For example if there is a group and people are talking I would be not talking to anyone most of the time because other people keep on talking to each other.
Now there is no one else to talk to so I feel ignored and since the others are busy talking to each other. So what can be done in this case to not feel lonely?

I also feel some people try to break other peoples confidence by not replying to them or not giving importance to what they say. Even in situations like there are three people, 2 of them would start talking to each other and the 3rd being me find myself just listening to them and not talking since they are busy talking to themselves.
I dont understand if people do this on purpose or it’s me not being able to get involved in the conversation.
Can anyone please shed some light here and provide some advice on how to be able to not let anyone destroy my confidence and not feel lonely or aloof from groups of people talking.

Also I have seen people not responding to me when I say something and just start talking about something else so what is this? Is it them trying to break my confidence or what? How do I react or how do I not let them break my confidence? And what can I do to break their confidence if someone tries to do that. Would appreciate any advice on this.

Thank you

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