I’m friendly aquaintences with two different coworkers, but I act completely different around both of them. They each have different senses of humor and personalities that I enjoy. One of them, I’ll call “x” is hyper and bubbly and doesn’t like mean-spirited jokes. When I’m working with them, I usually end up adopting their humor, meaning we mostly talk about stupid things our cats do or something. My other coworker, “y” is the opposite, they really like mean-spirited and sarcastic humor. That humor is more my speed so we have a lot of laughs when we work together. Our conversations often boil down to,
y: “Ughh, I feel like I’m dying”
me: “you say that every week”
y: “well, it’s true every week”
me: “dig a hole and lie in it then!”
y: “maybe I will!”
me: “dig one for me too while you’re at it”

The biggest issue is that they both like to work with me, but hate each other. I’m often caught in the middle of both of them trying to work/talk with me. How do I go about being scheduled to work with both of them at once? It’s been so awkward every time I’ve tried to juggle it and they both seem confused when my personality switches back and forth between them. Betrayed is too big of a word, but they definitely seem surprised when I don’t act the same and it’s uncomfortable, like I’ve been caught.

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