I (37m) was invited along to a work golf day. I was open and honest I hadn’t played in years. The day drew closer and I considered cancelling because the others in the group play fairly regularly. Day arrives and I have a few good shots, but on the whole I’m pretty bad. I got some coaching off some of the colleagues I was playing with.

We went out for beers afterwards which was really nice to catch up with them all and network.

Normally this experience with being shitty at golf would demotivate, embarrass and subconsciously make me affect my relationships with these people (catastrophising on my side). But to be honest I feel fine. I am a beginner, I sucked, and I owned it.

Will it impact my work relationships or how people view me, I’m not sure. Do I really care, definitely not as much as when I was in my twenties.

I am guessing this is growth but wondering if anyone has experienced something like this as they get older and wiser?

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