How would you respond discovering the person you’re dating smokes Marijuana? Aka the devil’s lettuce

  1. We’d have a conversation about it. She does edibles already anyway but I don’t think I’d be fully comfortable with her smoking it. We would just decide which rooms she’d be allowed to do it in and go from there.

  2. I think you did your AKA backwards, but I wouldn’t care. As long as it’s not a cornerstone of his personality, do you

  3. I’m 420 friendly (although very low tolerance) so it wouldn’t be much of a surprise to me. I’d just be embarrassed they’d have to see how high I get from almost nothing

  4. Not my thing, but as long as they don’t force it on me and don’t make it their entire personality, I don’t think I’d care one way or another.

  5. I would stare at him in straight disbelief. Ask him why he feels the need to get high all the time. How does smoking affect him. What his all time fave strain is. What his go to dispensary is. And when tf are we going to make some stoner food, smoke, and chill?!?!

  6. Well, when I first started dating my bf 3 years ago I knew he smoked weed. I wasn’t a smoker nor had I ever tried it but I didn’t have anything against it. I was only concerned about his dependence and any kid of personality changes. So, we had a conversation about his consumption level and how much he thought it affected his personality and ability to function. I’m okay with consumption as long as a person’s personality doesn’t completely change when they’re high. I didn’t want to deal with dual personalities or someone being that stereotypical “dumb” high. I got to see him when he wasn’t high and when he was… And he was mostly the same person 🤷‍♀️ so I was okay with it. But if he had been a completely different person it would’ve been a no. I’m now a smoker but he played no part in my choice to partake.

  7. Well since my dad grows it.. and I make edibles with it I’d be pretty excited. However I would prefer if it was not an all day everyday activity.

  8. Actual convo I had on the first date with my ex – him: “do you smoke” me: “smoke what?” Weed smoker confirmed 😂 I need it for the immense pain I live with and cPTSD, and it is prescribed with full support from all my doctors, so I won’t date anyone who gets judgy about it.

  9. No big deal to me. I don’t even necessarily mind it in the house, but I don’t smoke weed so it wouldn’t be something we’d bond over lol

  10. Uneasy. I’m a teacher. While recreational weed is legal in my state, I absolutely do not want to go to work smelling like pot.

    And I figure this is probably unlikely, at least for relatively-responsible adults, but what if this person got sloppy with their stuff and some amount of it ended up in my work bag? Don’t need that shit either.

    Plus I cannot stand the smell. Just…not interested in any of that.

  11. Relieved my partner is on the same page as me. And I actually just became official with my sweet pot smoking boyfriend. We’re both really driven people and I can see how we have the potential to lift each other up, and we both smoke for anxiety and physical inflammation reasons.

  12. Not an issue. My ex was hurt in the army after his tank hit an ied. He lost a leg, has traumatic brain injury, messed up his spine, was just a mess for awhile. Right after, and for about 3 years post injury, they had him on all kinds of harsh pain meds. Weed got him off all of that. We actually moved to Colorado where it was legal, shortly after we got married, just to have more access to it. I won’t lie and say he only uses it for pain, he’s a huge stoner lol. But I felt like it was much better for him than dilaudid and all that stuff.

    I know it can also be used for other medical issues, even mental health stuff. But I feel just the same about anyone who uses it just for recreational purposes. To each their own. I personally am not a fan, because it seems to make my anxiety a lot worse. As long as we don’t have issues where they do it before needing to drive somewhere, need to do it all day every day and it changes their personality, or basically anything dangerous or that affects our relationship, I wouldn’t care.

  13. I’m not concerned about what they smoke, but the act of smoking itself is a deal breaker IMO. I’ve worked in healthcare for way too long and inhaling foreign smoke (or any smoke really) is so bad for your health that I won’t have anything to do with anyone who does.

    On the flip side, I have no problem with someone who routinely takes edibles.

  14. I’d ask where the money is because the only reason why either of us gonna smoke that stinky leaf is if someone pays us money.

  15. Well, i will ask why and try to ask them not to do it anymore. it mostly won’t work so break up

  16. If I found it the person I’m dating DON’T smoke, man…. Idk if I could stick around

  17. I’m going to have to go with no since it aggravates my allergies. This includes edibles, so I can’t be around it. Yes I’ve been allergy tested and yes I hive.

  18. Considering we’re both in healthcare and can be drug tested at any moment, I would honestly be quite upset with him for risking his job like that after pouring so much money and so many years into his education to get where he is.

  19. I would have no issue if it isn’t illegal where I live and they have control over their usage and are able to lead a functional life with it. This wasn’t the case with the person I dated, so I ended it.

  20. We would break up as that’s a deal breaker even worse if I discovered it was a secret they were keeping.

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