In Ireland it just cracked 18°C today and to me that’s officially hot weather. In your country what would you say is the minimum temperature for it to be “hot” outside?

  1. Between 20 to 25 is pleasant. From 25 to 30 it’s a tad too warm but still nice. Above 30 I say it’s hot. But my perception is different than most, I’m half Italian half Brazilian and grew up in South America so I’m more used to the heat, while my coworkers usually start complaining of hot weather as soon as we’re above 20.

    But when it’s cold it’s the other way around, I’m whining if it gets below 10 while they don’t say a thing.

  2. I’d love to go to Ireland and see what 18c feels like there, cause there’s no way that can be considered ‘hot’. And I’ve lived in cold places.

  3. For me 35, but most of my countrymen would probably not agree. I’m just always cold.

  4. 15-25 is perfect but above 30 I cant survive without constantly drinking icy stuff or cooling myself down in any other way

  5. Depends.

    Personally, for me… above about 25° is hot enough ;-)Not that I can’t stand higher temperatures, but if I have to choose,25° is hot enough.

    That’s the temperature here today BTW.

    For a lot of people here,25° is not considered ‘hot’ at all.And in the middle of summer we get over 40° quite regularly in Palermo (though I am almost never here then,I go somewhere else).

  6. Anything above 25 when it’s sunny as well, 30 when cloudy. As a “winter person”, anything down to -15 is perfectly fine and cozy for me

  7. 35ºC and above. 18ºC it’s winter temperature over here and it’s cold

  8. Between 20 and 25 it’s warm and it’s okay. Anything above 25 is hot for me. The AC is already working at work. And anything over 30 is living hell.

  9. Hot is above 25, when its impossible to wear pants outside and the deadline to switch to shorts.

    Above 30 is survival mode, which is every year from june to september now..

  10. Around 30, but I think I’m in a stark minority among my countrymen. I wear long sleeves comfortably up to 25.

  11. 30°C. 25° – 30° is pleasant although getting hot, more than 30° is hot

  12. 20 is basically my limit of being comfortable, but it already just feels hot when it’s over 17.

  13. Everything beyond 25 gets uncomfortable in direct sun. Hot starts close to 30 and quickly gets unbearable.

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