My girlfriend and I have been invited to the wedding of my childhood friend and her fiancé. We’ve been friends because of our parents since we were born. Our parents are best friends.

We’ve lost contact after high school and only see each other at social gatherings at our parents’ maybe once a year.

I went into business with her father in 2015, but ended that relationship in 2018 because of a disagreement and swore I’d never talk to him again. We’ve since put it behind us, but I made a wrong call and got involved with him again earlier this year, which ended in legal troubles. He called me names and we’re on worse terms than before.
His daughter does not know about this.

Shortly thereafter we received a “save the date” for the wedding one year later.It was on Facebook Messenger, so we didn’t want to leave them on ‘read’ and decided to shortly reply that we’re looking forward.

We were surprised, that they even invited us. My girlfriend barely know them, and I haven’t had any contact with her for a decade and have never spent any one-on-one time with him.

A few days ago we received a Facebook event invite for her birthday brunch next month. It seems that people invited to the wedding are invited to the brunch as well.

I do not want to be in the same room as her father and I do not feel like we’re friends with the bride and groom to be.

We don’t feel like going to the brunch nor the wedding. The friendship died off many years ago, and only our parents’ friendship keep us somewhat connected. Now that I’m on bad terms with her father, I feel that connection is lost.

Are we wrong for thinking, that we won’t be going?

… and how would we even go about declining the invitation in a nice way?

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