There is this one friend of mine i was really close with him, he learned alot from me i was only trying to make him better. We played basketball together and i tried to make him the best version cause i didnt want to see him lose in life.

Recently he kinda switched up on me. I was trying to get him into the gym again cause last time we were regulary working out was about a year ago, so i recently tried to get him to the gym he is always trying to say no in a weird way, he always says “oh in 2 days we can” then when its time he says no i can’t. I tried to tell him that i just want to know the reason so i can fix it or help him, but he just says he doesen’t want to. And today i talked with his other friend “also a friend of mine” and i asked him why he didnt want to go to the gym with me. And he told me he didnt want him to hang out with me, i asked him why and he said “because all you do is want him to smoke weed” I recently quit smoking and i told him that but he was not being cooperative with me, i wanted to talk to him but he didnt respond he just ignored me. I was winning the conversation he knew i was right. He just thinks i want him to smoke wich i have asked him to smoke before, but i was only trying to chill learn him talk to him and just have a great time, when he said no i respected his decision.

How do i tell him the best way possible that i’m trying to make him better and help him out?

About him:
He is not the smartest person and latley he has been controlled by his emotions, he often gets angry and dont want to cooperate with me, he’s confidence is kinda low, not the most masculine person.

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