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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the **Daily Slow Chat.**

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators *(please mark these \[Mod\] so we can find them)*, or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Some strange sights I saw:

    1. A beaver themed gas station/convenience store/restaurant called Buc-ees. They even got a guy in a beaver costume. The grilled meat burgers there were pretty good.
    2. The highway exit that lead to Colonel Sanders’ first restaurant. He’s the dude who founded KFC.

  2. I learned a new word: remigration from a 2 week old news story from Germany. Apparently, the AFD (some of the more right wing CDU were in there) had a secret meeting where they talked about deporting everyone they deem too foreign from Germany to North Africa.

  3. I don’t know if it’s me but it’s rare for me to not engage in small talk with strangers when I am on the train (I don’t think it’s me, I am not always the person who starts the conversation). Especially on regional trains. I guess people are more chill on these slow trains.

  4. On MF DOOM’s song Kon Karne he raps “as I reminisce, never forgot when I was very broke, shot the Henny straight, couldn’t afford to cop the cherry Coke” and that line has lived in my head for so long.

    Anyway, I was reminiscing yesterday about my childhood, we weren’t particularly broke. We lived by the lake, and my father had an old 5-metre wooden boat with an old 20 hp Yamaha outboard engine. Downtown there is a small harbour with free visitor parking for boats, and as it happened the journey downtown by boat took about 15 minutes, compared to about 20-25 by car or public transport. So often in the summers my dad would take me to my sports practice downtown by boat. He also regularly commuted to his office downtown by boat. I think it’s kinda funny that even in a major city by Finnish standards a small open motorboat can be a viable mode of transport.

  5. I seem to going through countertenor phases, somehow. I discover a countertenor, listen everything I can find, and then take a break until the next one comes my way. When I was younger, I was absolutely mad about Andreas Scholl. Then I got into Philippe Jaroussky (for a short time) before promptly abandoning him for Nicholas Spanos (I still like him actually). A while ago I was very into Jakub Jozef Orlinsky (again, on the still listen from time to time list). Nowadays I am so into Tim Mead, it’s unreal. Not only do I love his singing, he also keeps me busy thinking which Weasley he might play in a Harry Potter movie adaptation.

    Alfred Deller has a different place away from all others, though, and always will have.

  6. I had another one of those “forgetting to go to a university class” dreams last night, and in this one I was trying to navigate one of those typical modern-ish university buildings with a big atrium and lots of open walkways. I went one way and somehow ended up in the hangar where the “I Want it That Way” video was shot, then I tried another way and ended up at some sort of open-air classroom/meeting space with a class taught by one of my actual professors. He reacted to my “intrusion” by grabbing me by the arm and escorting me out of the building, all while lecturing me about how “the least these students deserve is a quiet classroom.” Needless to say I didn’t have the best night’s sleep.

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