About 1.5 years ago, I saw this girl for the first time (let’s say her name is A), and until today, I haven’t been able to forget that moment. For many months, I didn’t even know her name. Her house was about 1 km away from mine, but I never mustered the courage to go there. I tried a lot but never managed to talk to her.

10 months ago, I moved to another city, and since then, I haven’t seen her. But even today, when I am alone, her memory comes to mind. At times, she has started appearing in my dreams too.

But I don’t know anything about that girl except her name. I want to get to know her, talk to her. I don’t want to keep thinking about a girl whom I don’t even know. She might not be good for me, not worthy of my mind space, or she might already be in a relationship, etc. If that is the case, then I’ll try to forget her and move on, but at least I’ll have clarity.

I don’t have her contact info, Instagram ID, or number. The only thing I have is her classmate’s Instagram ID, which I found after a lot of effort and research, and it’s a private account. However, she has accepted my friend request and even messaged me, asking, ‘Who are you?’ My ID is new with no posts and a profile picture.

Now, I don’t understand what to do next. Should I directly ask about A, or should I approach this situation differently?

I’m afraid that if I ask her classmate about A, she might block me or ask a hundred questions, and generally, people don’t share personal information with strangers.

So, guys, I need your help. Tell me what I should do and how…?

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