Hey everyone,
I’m a 35-year-old career-focused woman who’s passionate about her job and doesn’t mind putting in extra hours regularly. I’ve been in a loving relationship for several years with my partner, also 35, who’s not quite as ambitious as I am.
He’s more about building a family, which I’m totally cool with. He’s supportive of my career goals and willing to step up at home, handling childcare and household chores. At first, this setup seemed ideal, especially since it’s not always easy to find guys comfortable backing ambitious women.
But lately, I’m kinda losing some attraction vibes due to his total lack of ambition. He’s in a job he doesn’t dig after a stint of unemployment in a field where jobs are scarce. When we first got together, he was into his field, but now, not so much, and he’s not really eager to figure out what he’d prefer job-wise despite my nudges.
I’m wondering if this is just a phase or if his lack of career drive will become a bigger deal for me down the road. Career woman paired with a not-so-ambitious man – does that combo actually work? Any of you been in a similar situation? I’d love to hear your experiences and any advice you’ve got. What’s your take on what I should do?
Thanks a bunch!
TL;DR : 35-year-old career-focused woman in a long-term relationship with a less ambitious partner. Initially, the balance of career and family seemed perfect, but his recent lack of ambition is affecting attraction. Wondering if it’s a phase and seeking advice from anyone in a similar situation.

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