We’ve been together 6 years, when we got together he could do the washing up, laundry, sweeping and look after himself completely.
Soon after we got together he got depressed and stopped looking after himself, I helped him by bathing him (yes literally cleaning his whole body) bcos of depression.. it soon turned that he couldn’t clean himself bcos of his disabilities (OcD and autism) bcos he couldn’t do the wiping movements???

He hasn’t washed up, done the laundry or swept for approx 5 years and I cleaned him for about 3-4 years (he’s started cleaning himself this last 6months-year)

I have tried my hardest to be understanding and helpful, but I really think it’s a load of crap and that this disability that stops him doing stuff is bullshit. When I say anything to him about it he says “stuff changes” and that I’m being gross by interrogating his disability.

I need advice from someone who knows anything about this, is this a thing that can happen? Is it real or am I being played?
Any advice on how to approach the situation as well would be appreciated.

Tl;DR: my bf says he can’t do the washing up because he can’t do the wiping motions due to his autism and OCD.
He has no physical disabilities or problems.

EDIT: I should add that I also DO have physical and mental disabilities that make everyday tasks already hard so it’s not like I’m super up to taking on two peoples tasks.

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