Hello, I wanted to ask for advice from people outside my circle of friends, so I decided to make this post. I am a 21-year-old girl and I’m naturally very shy. Last weekend, I went out with a former colleague for the first time (we had a good working relationship) and I really enjoyed it. We talked about very personal things, the kind of relationship we would want in the future, etc.

At one point, while I was talking, he playfully pinched my cheeks, and when we were outside the restaurant, he asked me to touch his hand to see how cold it was. I have low self-esteem, and he complimented me throughout. He praised my new haircut, told me it looked good on me, and when I mentioned starting the gym to lose weight, he said I didn’t need it and that I look fine. He told me I’m beautiful 2/3 times.

I’ve always had a good relationship with this colleague; he has always helped me a lot, even on a personal level. Is it possible for this relationship to turn into something more (since we are both currently single and not involved with anyone)? If so, how can I take the first step?

P.S. We chatted on WhatsApp out of nowhere for almost a week continuously (the conversation had no clear beginning or end), but at some point, he stopped messaging me. What does that mean?
And I am sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language😅

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