My husband (30M) and I (27F) recently got into an argument and he brought up our sex life and how he is sexually frustrated.

We have had many conversations in the past of how I need an emotional connection otherwise I feel icky just having sex. Now I know it’s part of a relationship but like I said we have had multiple conversations to where I have explained my feelings on wanting affection, quality time, and so on which will help with the connection and not feel like he only wants me for sex.

I explained to him that as a kid (5/6), I was touched inappropriately (over clothes) by two separate people in my family many times and forced to do things like make out with them or let them rub themselves against me (again fully clothed) to get off. I explained that when he is cold to me, no attention, no affection, literally nothing and he only gives me “sexual affection” when he wants to have sex, that I just get that icky feeling again.

He got very upset when I said this and started saying that I was comparing him to them and he didn’t know how to feel and is not just upset with me. This was not my intention and I told him so and that I was not comparing him to them at all.

I’m not sure what I can do to make this right. I feel like I should have never said anything to begin with.

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