I’m down on my luck and this would be my first time borrowing money from anyone ever (not my first time being down on my luck). My parents did give me money on occasion without me asking when I was younger and I started refusing it in more recent years.

My mother offered to let me borrow money but I refused and said it would make me too uncomfortable but I would think about it if it became really necessary.

Then upon further reflection- I’d feel more okay with it if I paid her back interest and if it was in writing. Am I making things weird?

I’d be borrowing $5000 and I want to make her payments until I pay her back $5500. It would take me about 12 months to fully pay her back I’m very low income but also frugal. $5000 is not going to hurt her in anyway, it will have zero impact on her life. I suspect the extra 500 she gets will have 0 impact as well due to her spending habits but that’s her business- it’s more to soothe my ego.

tldr: is it weird to put something in writing and make my mom sign it (in addition to myself of course) whenever we have a financial transaction between eachother?

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