I am 17 years old,but i feel like i got a brain of a 13 yo,i have a theory that my mother’s constant care messed me up,as in she would always hold my hand during events or just whenever i was outside with her,it stopped when i turned 16. I remember as a 14 yo being shocked that a kid ,3 years younger than me, could go out alone and play with their friends. I am 17 rn and i have never went out alone,maybe once a month to a nearby store,even that causes so so so much anxiety. My mother got me all my friends and they are all younger than me,like 14-16,i never made myself a friend because i literally don’t know how,i go to school everyday,i see my classmates for years and they are strangers to me,i try talking with them but i just don’t find any of the topics relatable,nothing interesting to give them back and i just generally feel dumb. This is my final year and my mother is sending me to another country alone for uni like that,she said it would fix me and get me to socialize and mature,but it scares me so much,i live in this city for 17 years nd i have never in my entire life walked around it alone,everything is scary and i dont feel prepared at all. I have like 4 months until i get thrown into the world,how do i prepare,i can’t fucking talk or stand up for myself or buy myself water in the fucking store,i dont know how anything works.

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