So I matched with this guy on Tinder, and we hit it off online. We met up for our first date last week, and it went pretty well. He paid for everything and hugged me pretty tightly before we departed. We texted pretty much everyday after that, and we had our second date today. Again, he paid, and when I said I was cold, he offered his jacket. However, he didn’t hug me or anything (although to be fair, he had given me a ride, so it would have been harder in the car). As I was getting out of the car, I turned back to look at him to give him another chance, but he just laughed nervously…. He then did text me to text him when I got home, but yeah.
My concern is I’ve never had a guy not try to at least kiss me after a date, and I’m freaking out because this is the first guy in a while I’ve actually been really interested in. I’ve also gained like 20 pounds recently, and my Tinder pictures are from before the weight gain, so I’m worried that I look way uglier now irl and that deterred him. That’s also why I’m too nervous to make the first move and want him to.
How do I figure out if this guy only likes me platonically or if he likes me romantically?

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