I’m not trying to be judgmental and but lately it’s been harder and harder to get engaged with people especially in real life. Last year I tried to get into social groups at college but it just felt like everyone felt fake and honestly I couldn’t seem vibe with them. I miss my old college friends because they felt real to me. I miss my online college buddies because I love their humor.

Honestly a lot it, has to do with humor and non seriously you can take youself and if I find you genuinely funny. I have meet nice people but honestly even if they are nice to me, it doesn’t really help. I feel cursed that can’t seem like people that often. I remember I meet one girl online and we really hit off and played Elden ring a lot. She was a lot fun to be around.

Recently I realized I never had a huge college friend circle in face I only had 4 friends my four years of college that I hung out with. That sounds depressing but honestly it was extremely hard to meet people that I liked. Mabye I should’ve gone out more. I just hate how picky I am especially now. I tried to give people chance but most of the time it just doesn’t work for me.

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