What are some Deep conversation starter ideas?

  1. Start a conversation asking or posing an open ended questions or situation like;
    *What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you whilst ….. ?*
    What should every newcomer know about ….?

    I’m sorry I’m a man, I answered this just seeing it in my feed and because I have had social anxiety for a while I’ve had to learn how to socialise through reading about it 😅 so i kind of figured my answer might help.
    Please delete me if that’s not cool @ mods

  2. First, find the right person to have the conversation with!

    Some people naturally love deep conversations and others just hate it.

    What interests you? Pick something you find fascinating yourself, but that is open ended enough to give someone with no specialist knowledge space to talk.

    Things that are a matter of opinion are good ones, where there is no right or wrong answer, and lots of space to talk about interpretations or potential.

    Also, the more curious and open you are, the more other people open up.

    Some things we talk about:

    * What would life in the middle ages be like for an ordinary person?
    * Are people ever deliberately bad?
    * What would your utopia look like?
    * If you were immortal, how would that change how you lived now?
    * If you had someone from another time or place visit you, what would you show them/share with them?

  3. What goals do you have for yourself for the next month, year, and 5 years down the road?

  4. Some of my favorites:

    – What do you want to happen to your body when you die?
    – Is water wet?
    – Would you rather be immortal and watch everyone else die, or have everyone else be immortal and go on without you after you die?
    – Which would you rather never feel again: emotional pain, or physical pain?

  5. Depends on the context and the interests of the people involved in the conversation. If you don’t know them will enough yet to know what they find interesting, you probably haven’t built up enough rapport to go straight to having a deep conversation with them yet. A lot of people aren’t interested in having deep conversations with random strangers, so it’s best if you know the person will enough and can talk about topics you are both interested in discussing. Having deep conversations with strangers can go very bad, very quickly if you say the wrong thing and trigger some unknown person’s rage/personal soapbox/agenda, so deep topics are best discussed in very safe and secure situations between people who have a level of trust for each other.

  6. Can I tell you something without you thinking to much into it or judging?
    I just have to explore my brain freely

  7. * what is the one thing you would like to be remembered for the most?
    * if you can go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
    * What is the one thing you are the most proud of?

  8. We always have the deepest conversations right before bed. Our pillow talk. Most of ours are future based and more specifically how we want to grow our streams of passive income. You could try asking how they’d like their future to look in 5 years. See what their goals and passions are.

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