I’m new to the dating world. I was married to my ex husband for 20 years and am divorced two years now.

I started dating a guy last year, and things progressed into a full blown relationship. We have been together one year now.

He is great in many ways, and I enjoy my time with him. But here’s where the problem lies. He talks about other women a lot. He likes to point out things about their bodies he likes. He has even made comments about my friends and I have had to check him on his flirtiness towards them multiple times.

He is very flirty by nature and loves having female attention. It has resulted in a lack of trust that I just can’t work through. I worry every time he’s out and not texting back that he’s hitting on other women and doing things I wouldn’t approve of behind my back.

Is it worth it to try and get over, or am I just dating a pig?

TL;DR; my boyfriend has a wandering eye

  1. Why did you divorce? Do you have kids?

    If this guy’s flirtiness is a deal breaker then that’s it.

    You can’t get into a relationship with the purpose of changing the other person. So if this is something you can’t live with, then you need to move on.

  2. This isn’t normal and you shouldn’t put up with his behavior. He either chooses to be with you and stops making comments about other women and their bodies or you will choose to end the relationship.

  3. As a married man, I would never say stuff like that.  To my wife or otherwise.  The most I have ever said about another woman is “you’d look good in that” when talking about someone’s outfit, coat, etc.  Some thoughts are just better kept to yourself.  If you’ve already told him that you don’t appreciate it, he is being an asshole.

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