From series, movies, books, comics, etc…

A fight between 2 characters that you where hyped for but the fight wasn’t that good, or maybe it wasn’t the result you wanted and you are still salty about it.

For example, in YuGiOh (original series), Joey vs Marik, my homie Joey did his best duel and was about to win but lost because he fainted due to pain before he could attack and because of that he was expelled from the tournament. And the manga didn’t help with the duel being not only longer but also more intense.

That’s the fight I’m still salty about, what are yours?

  1. When Anton Chigurh killed all of the mercenaries in the street and escaped the hotel after being shot in No Country for Old Men.


    I get he’s a badass I really wanted the dude to like get shot in the spine and end up in a wheelchair in prison.

  2. The Man From Meung, or the Comte de Rocheforte. I felt the whole story was leading up to D’Artagnan killing him… especially after his actions result in the death of Constance… (The Three Musketeers, 1844)

    The Count of Monte Cristo is a better story.

  3. Can’t think of much off the top of my head, but I think Star Fox Adventures deserves a mention. The final fight with the game’s main villain, that had been hyped up for the whole game, couldn’t be completed due to time constraints so it never even happened and the big bad just kind of backs down when Fox gets there. Rare was being bought out by Microsoft and the game was left somewhat unfinished, but playable.

    Also, ending of chapter 3(?) in Xenoblade 2. Really likeable character sacrifices themselves to allow main character to escape, who naively keeps running back into the fight aimlessly swinging his sword around. Actually Xenoblade 2 has a good few of these, poor Rex never really does learn. Wonder if Xenoblade 3 will have m/any.

  4. Barriston the Bold being defeated by a group of Harpies.

    Barriston is a S++ tier fighter even in old age he wipes the floor with younger and stronger fighters. Barriston beat a sellsword captain with only a stick while wearing robes, he picked apart and made easy work of a top pit fighter. But somehow loses to a band of peasants with knives, no armor and attack one at a time? Quality writing there Dipshit & Dipshit

  5. The night kings final fight…

    There were many issues with how GoT got treated in the end, but an entity like that just getting shanked out of nowhere for no reason other than fanservice was just… Empty.

    It would have been cheesy in fanfiction, let alone the climax of literal years of storytelling.

    Imagine of Ron Weasley just shot Voldemort with a rifle at the end of Harry potter and the plot just kinda moved on as if Voldemort was never particularly important to the plot.

  6. Might Guy crushing his leg fighting Madara, and permanently disabling him. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh I wanted him and Kakashi to race across the village again 😭😭😭

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