Married women of AskWomen who are not happily married, what is stopping you from affair? Please share your POV.

  1. I dislike cheating, even in a loveless marriage. It would still be very painful if it happened to me, why would I do that to someone else

  2. Because no matter what cards life deals me, one thing I have control over is my choices and what I make my character to be.

  3. Just because I’m struggling in my marriage does not make me want to cheat. I could never hurt him like that.

  4. During the last year of my marriage, the thing that stopped me from an affair was lack of libido.

    I had thought that my lack of libido was a contributing factor to our problems. Now I think that our problems were suffocating my libido.

    Once he was gone, my sex drive came bouncing back.

  5. I would think the same thing that keeps them from killing their spouse – that it’s wrong. If you’re unhappy then ask for a divorce. Cheating is the coward’s way out.

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