Sometimes I’m so awkward that it turns right back to being funny again… if it wasn’t so frustrating.

Today there was some kind of further education day at my workplace. At the beginning as a warm-up the consulting guys invited to coach us used some kind of getting-to-know-game… a bingo about our colleagues. Everyone got a card with statements like “Has as many siblings as I do” or “Was in a country I haven’t visited yet” and we should go around asking people until we got a Bingo of names.

I looked to the guy sitting next to me, he looked back and posed a question. I answered, looked down to choose a question to ask of my own, but before I looked up he was already gone, asking a different person. The exact same thing happened with the next two or three people and then I got fed up and just sat back down, scrolling through my phone, completely giving up on the exercise.

I… I honestly don’t know whether there was even something to be done here, except asking my questions quicker before the other went on. Those were colleagues I’m working together for almost five years and I still struggle to ask them personal questions.

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