So I’m 27F and I’ve been out of the game pretty much my whole life. Had two partners in my life. From 13-18 then 18-25. My last relationship resulted in two kids, one was born after the break up.

Now, I have almost zero confidence. I know I’m not ugly, probably a little above average and then more if I dress up and put on make up, and more again if I were to lose a bit of weight.

I jumped on tinder again and actually matched with some decent men. Thinking of going through with some dates now that my youngest is a bit older. I’m so nervous. Never done this in my life. Nothing is even set in stone with anyone yet talking about it makes me nervous.

I’m ready to jump in but still so scared. Any advice for a dating newbie?

  1. Be up front about having kids.

    Talk about how much time you have available, because as much as I have dated women with kids, some just don’t have any time, while others do. I had a major girlfriend with kids and some times we hung out, the kid was in the room and we would have to wait for the kiddo to get tired.

    Too many women, especially on Tinder, just don’t write anything in their bios. Be yourself. Talk about what your interests are. They’ll match, and then start talking, just to get unmatched a little later, because we had to match just to learn the basics, which can be deal breakers. Others will view your lack of a bio as either looking for casual dating, hook ups, or as lazy. Save everyone time and write something about yourself.

    Don’t push to another messenger too quickly (like insta or fb messenger or even text). This will come off as impatient or even like you’re trying to get followers on Insta or Snap.

    And lastly, there’s no true set of rules to online dating, even the things I said are just guidelines I think would help. Be happy, be yourself, be honest on the apps (yes, get more than one).

  2. Like the other guy on the thread says don’t hide the fact that you have kids when you’re dating potential suitors.

    I remember I was dating this dude for 3 MONTHS and he decided to tell me he had kids right then and there. I never thought to ask him that question since he was very young. Needless to say I’ve dumped him on the spot because

    1. I hate kids
    2. If you could hide something so big for so long what other skeletons could be lurking in your closet
    3. Kind of manipulative to do something like that ( get someone hooked so it would be harder to say no).

    Good luck 👌

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