Who is the richest person you have ever known in your life? Did they do or say anything that specifically gave off this vibe? Did you ever hangout with them?

  1. I was friends with a guy who was an early employee at Amazon and retired in his 30s after a massive stock cashout.

    He was pretty chill and was very generous with his good fortune. He’d get a suite for Seahawks football games and invite a bunch of people to come, always had killer parties, got suites for concerts, stuff like that. He liked to have people around and wasn’t ever weird about it, just “Hey guys isn’t this awesome that we can all do this together?!”

    Good guy. I think he’s a pro poker player now.

  2. Probably the great grand daughter of Disney. Although I only knew her casually through social settings.

  3. Personally as a friend is a guy who belongs to my church. He’s a millionaire developer. But I have been casually aquatinted with a multi millionaire before

  4. My dad. I am his special boy. He makes sure I don’t have to work too hard and he always bribes the police whenever I get too rowdy. One time when I was in 8th grade my biology teacher was stifling my creativity so he paid the teacher’s wife 120,000 dollars to divorce him and take the kids. I love my dad.

  5. Guy my family is friends with is an engineer and started a fabricating and manufacturing company. He grew it from one small shop to hundreds of employees. 

    Him and his wife were some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. 

  6. A family member.

    Absolutely not. No one would ever know. Actually, people would probably think he was lower income based on the way he lives, his clothing and what he chooses to drive.

    Of course we hang out, we are family.

  7. Probably my aunt and uncle. No idea what they’re worth, but they’re loaded. He’s actually one of those rare people who started at a company straight out of college, was really fucking good at what he did (and a workaholic) and just kept getting promoted until he was a high level executive. He then hopped jobs around the world in his industry. He retired a couple years ago but was a CEO.

    They moved overseas when I was like 5. My aunt would come visit about once a year. I haven’t seen them since my grandmas death 10 years ago.

  8. One of my dad’s friends. My dad is reasonably well off, but this guy has a helicopter take him around.

  9. Depends on how loose “personally known” is. I’ve met/shook hands/talked work with some people you’ve heard of near the top of the list.

    Personal relationship with though… My brother in law is worth a few hundred million.

    I beat him in fantasy football this year. Walked away with a cool $125!

  10. An older cousin was a professional baseball player and coach for 40 years, so definitely him. He’s kind and accommodating to fans that recognize him, and top 3 funniest people I know. He’s just a dude who was good at a sport. Really no pretense to him, other than having a wine cellar and wood fire oven in his kitchen like any good Italian-American.

  11. I’m a fundraiser so I know people who own islands. We’re not friends though (womp womp)

  12. Reddit is so weird when it comes to anything wealth related. I knew the second I read the body of your question I would see “actually, you’d think they were poor because of their clothing, car, and home” type posts.

    I’ve spent my entire career in finance/accounting and all of my clients have been rich by any rational standard. I’ve known plenty of people with 8 and 9 figure net worths but none of them shop in Good Will, live in the worst house in a bad neighborhood, and drive a beat up old jalopy that’s a two tone primer gray and rust. They might not have all been into fashion, cars, and mansions but nobody would ever mistake them for lower income.

  13. I’m a career nanny and former NCS. I’ve worked for a handful of extremely wealthy people.

    I think the richest was a couple who has like 12 houses. Dad worked in finance and mom owned a business. Loads in investments plus both were trust fund babies.

  14. I worked for a guy who I won’t name but he had a mansion in SF, a townhouse in Manhattan (6 floors) and a ski house somewhere else. His parents are billionaires and he is probably there now.

  15. My grandma was friends with one of the Walton heirs.

    We own a waffle iron that she gifted my grandma back in the 90s

    I joke that it makes billion dollar waffles

  16. Wayne Newton and his wife are friends of mine. Huge age gap with us obviously! Lol. They are the sweetest, loveliest, most generous, and humble people you’d ever meet. Such good people. Unless you specifically ask them to show you something fancy of theirs, they really don’t show anything off or brag. There’s really no “rich people vibes”.

  17. The guy who owns Taylor Guitars. He’s still close friends with my dad. He’s VERY smart, very curious, very driven, and cares a shit load about forest conservation.

    Good vibes all around. Bob is the man

  18. Millionaire stock investor working a part time job for something to do. Spends most of his time playing videogames.

  19. Owner of an NFL team followed by a guy with a last name that everyone over the age of 40 would know. Both were actually completely normal people but every once in a while something would slip showing that they had a LOT of money. The second guy I mentioned would usually wear sweatpants and a t-shirt but the one time I saw him wearing a suit he spent $40,000,000 that day investing in a medical imaging company.

  20. One of my clients is a billionaire. I have been to parties and gotten dinner with them multiple times. 

  21. My in-laws aren’t 1%ers, but my mind was blown the first time his mom said she wanted to have an unplanned visit to Germany and just… did it. International vacation at the drop of a hat.

    I didn’t leave the country until I was an adult, and that was through my university (heavily subsidized). I have been so privileged to be able to visit different places and experience cool things, I’m not saying “oh poor me” lol. It just blew my mind how an impromptu international vacation wasn’t a big deal financially for my in-laws. They are truly nice and kind people, too; I really lucked out! (I had no clue about my husband’s family when I met him and fell in love with him. We were both studying to be teachers and had similar interests. I would have married him no matter who his parents were!)

    I also recently learned that one of my coworkers is very well off. Totally unexpected for a beginning teacher. She invited us to her house, it’s a three-level gorgeous home on the side of a mountain, two levels which have wrap-around porches. She bought before the pandemic, but it was easily a 600k house before the pandemic and housing crisis. A beginning teacher in our state would NOT be able to afford that, lol. She later shared that her family invested in Apple stock early, so I guess that’s where the money comes from. She doesn’t flaunt it at work or anything, but she does have a new car.

  22. I have an aunt who’s wealthy – her net worth is over $15M. She and her ex husband had a tech company they sold. She’s been retired since she was 40. She’s almost 70 now.

    She has an amazing condo she bought for $1M in cash 25 years ago. She had a Porsche (sold it about 5 years ago). She takes a lot of vacations, though nothing too fancy. She spends time getting into things like yoga. Her clothes are fine, but nothing special.

    The biggest indicator of her wealth is how mildly out of touch she is. She’s a wonderfully warm and generous person, but as she hasn’t worked in 30 years, she often just doesn’t get normal life of having to work, schedules not working out, not being able to take extended time off.

  23. I had a friend who was a heart surgeon, he was worth at least $20M in his late 30s. Retired to Florida at 50, bought a big boat.

  24. I am personal friends with a person that founded and manages private equity of over 10 billion. I don’t know his exact wealth but I suspect exceeds $100 million. We have a common interest in railways and have taken trips together, etc.

    He is from the Midwest, self-made and gives off zero rich guy vibes, drives a Chevy suburban, lives in a large but certainly not over the top house. The one thing he does, no matter what, he always gets the tab regardless if we go to McDonald’s or a high end steak house!

    Another person I know was a renter in my house. He was the heir to a family suite of business. He was very, nice, friendly, and had absolute rich guy vibes. I found out he was getting his pilots license, as his father had a Lear jet. That is not rich, that’s wealth!

  25. I know an actual Dutchess. She drives a Volvo, wears a lot of knitwear and is absolutely lovely. You’d only know if you look closely because all her clothes though worn and mended were hand made/ tailored and she doesn’t hesitate at all when she wants to buy something. She likes vintage things as she’s quite elderly so thinks nothing about getting out her little clasp purse with a roll of 50’s in and spending 4 figures on a chintzy lamp just because.

  26. MANY of my very close friends (in their 50s) are super wealthy, multi millionaires. (I am barely middle class, myself.) They live in nice homes, but not mansions. They drive nice cars, but nothing extravagant. But… Their home and cars (and RV) were paid for with cash. They all retired early or will retire soon. They travel a lot.

  27. They don’t give me their bank records so I couldn’t say.

    What I can say is I was raised solidly middle class in one of the wealthiest zip codes in my state and had friends who’s last name was the same as a local island.

    Also for the record, they all dress exactly like you expect rich people to dress, standard haircut, polo shirts, belt and shorts with those loafers all rich people wear. Basically they always look like they’re going golfing.

  28. My friends dad was an early floor trader on the Chicago board of trade, then put all that money into Apple stock. A combination of luck and smarts got him to be worth $200M>.

  29. My middle school basketball coach makes $2M/yr as a fortune 1000 CEO. I thought he was a completely regular guy until I saw him in the newspaper.

  30. One of my best friends married a rich guy. I met for the first time after they started dating, and the second time was when he flew out me and 10 of her closest friends on a first class flight to stay in a four seasons resort in Hawaii. He hasn’t even met my husband and he was invited too. He is the most generous and genuine dude and doesn’t come off as snobby at all – he’s extremely humble and even seems like, embarrassed of his money somehow. He paid for everything on the trip and we all ate at luxurious Michelin star restaurants every night. We even took a helicopter tour of the island. It was insaneeee. So yeah he’s easily the richest person I know and is just a great guy on top of it!

  31. This woman whose grandmother was Sarah Lee. The grandmother’s dad was the founder of the company, so her family had an obscene amount of money. They had Picassos, Warhols, and there was a Henry Moore sculpture on their roof. The thing I was most impressed by was the back-up camera on her Jaguar, but that was way before back-up cameras were common. Her family had bought three historic mansions on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago and was tearing them down to build their house, but the neighborhood banded together to save the third, so now there’s this really ugly, sterile-looking mansion that sits on two lots filled with expensive art and next to a house that’s on the National Register of Historic Places. She was cool, though. Her lawyer dad sent an intimidating letter to our landlord for us.

  32. My kid played soccer with a guy who was owner/CEO of an online insurance company.
    His house some nice trappings, including basement bowling alley, bar seating 20, arcade. Like a 10,000 sf house with 10 car garage and full outdoor pool/spa/kitchen/guest house.

  33. My wife’s best friend’s sister married a rich guy. Like “hosts mega-yacht parties for all his mega-yacht owning acquaintances” rich. My wife considered taking a job as curator of *one of* the warehouses he keeps his antique furniture collection in, for when he decides to swap one of his homes from rococo to art deco, or something. It started out as a trophy-wife deal (best friend’s sister is conventionally attractive and has the charisma and intelligence to be exceptionally engaging), but it turned out they were complementary kinds of weird, and really fell for each other after getting married.

    We adopted his favorite cat, [Larry.](https://imgur.com/JWLF5Jh) Larry is blind, and though he’s the sweetest cat in the history of cats, he can’t live with other cats (because other cats are assholes, and pick on the blind guy). He was chauffeured to us from Florida to Pennsylvania along with all the cat stuff we could ever need, a lifetime food and litter subscription, and a card on file at our local vet so he can always have the best care available at no cost to us. It’s a pretty cushy deal.

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