Hello everyone. This is my first post. I need your oppinions. (Sorry english is not my mother language)
My boyfriend can not hold his alcohol (we have argued about this multiple times). Once when we were with friends he got drunk and laughed a lot with the waitress in the bar (we did not hear what they were talking). It sounded like they were flirting I felt really sad and embarrased. But he said the day after he can not remember what they were talking about but he would never flirt with another woman.
One other time we were with different friends and he kept looking at my girl best friend while laughing (you know there is a saying you look at the person from the group while laughing who you like the most). He again said it was nothing but it was the case the whole night.
This time we had a lot of friends over and one of our friend’s girlfriend came over as well. We’ve just met her this first time. Same story my bf got drunk and he picked on the girl a lot and asked the girl many times about stupid questions. He escorted the couple out and from the livingroom we were hearing that he was calling the girls name multiple time still sounded like he was teasing her or something. When they left 20 minutes later my bf randomly started talking basically shit about her. How he finds her weird and stuff and how she looks older and has a lot of makeup on etc.
Multiple things he did not remember from the last party (he usually does not remember parts from parties where he gets drunk). He is always telling me he does not care about other girls, from the latest one he was just interrested about the girlfriend from our friend and he thinks they do not fit. But I can not believe him anymore.
He also basically blames me that I always think things like this. But for me it looks more like he gets himself in situations which makes me suspect things, gets me really embarrased and sad and the relationship is always ruined for a while.

Mind you if he does not drink or does not get drunk he basically treats me really good. But we’ve been arguing about his drinking behavior sooo many times I’m so tired…

TLDR: Please let me know your thoughts about. Would you think I’m in the wrong or I’m crazy? What would you do in my case?

Thank you in advance

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