I(20F) and sister(19F) were not invited to my uncles going away party that the rest of my family was invited too.

Just want some outside opinions of how to handle feeling left out of my dads side of the family

So my(20F) grandparents(dads side) are divorced and had two kids before so. They married people who each also had two kids, and then each had 1/2 kids with there new spouse. This all happened years before I was born. My aunts and uncle were around 8 when I was born. I love my family and I have always been a family oriented person. My dad has always been mean to my siblings and I and our mom. He ended up leaving am marrying someone else when I was 17. I don’t see him
much and he rarely sees his family now. I obviously am not for sure what exactly the details are but from what I heard he was also mean to his step mom and other siblings. He never really was nice to them from what I know. But we always still got together with them and we lived really close to my grandpa and step grandma( i never thought of my step family any differently growing up though). Growing up though my sister and I always were treated differently. My step grandma just never was very nice to us and would talk badly about my parents to us a lot. We were the oldest grandkids and she would do pretty obvious things where it felt like she favored them. She always wanted to see them, she got them more gifts, she would go on trips with them, she would talk about them more, and just in general had a more positive attitude with them. Everything we did she picked at and we had to be perfect kids( for example with mannerisms we could not put elbows on the table, etc) she never did this with them. This was not as big of a deal to me but as I got older I noticed more. My step grandma, half aunt( who I’m very close with), step aunt, and step cousin( step uncles
Daughter) would do stuff together a lot. They would make Christmas cookies and I would hear about it but was never invited. They go on trips together and I am never invited. Most recently my half uncle is going away for a few months and they were all going to get together and no one told my sister or I. My step aunt is the one who put it together and invited everyone but my family. When my half aunt confronted her she said “ she did not have our numbers”. She has our social medias, she saw us in person and she never even tried to reach out about it. For reference my dads
Mom and her family live further and my dad’s biological sister lives near her and never got along with my dad( we really never even saw her much growing up compared to everyone else) I just feel like an outsider from my dad’s family. I know I am sure part of this is because of my dad, but what I do not understand is why my dad’s family treated me, who was a child for most of this was treated so poorly and left out so much. I know I should not be so sensitive about it but it hurts.

**TL;DR;:I feel left out of my family on my dad’s side**

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