I give my father as an example, we live in a third world country, you know, corruption, injustice, etc… my father is 58 years old and has about 8 months left to retire, he works in a public telecommunications company. to see that until he is 58 years old he really begins to enjoy life, after so many injustices (I am not going to say the injustices to summarize the story) after dedicating more than 33 years to that company, it hurts me.

  1. I plan to retire somewhere between 50 and 55, which is considered incredibly early where I am from.

    Most of my friends and family don’t plan to retire at all, because most of them will not be able to do so Sadly, most of them envision a future where they’ll be dying at their desks.

    In my opinion, 58 is good. He’s still young. Plenty of time left.

  2. Are you asking what year or what age? Sounds like you are asking age. As I have always said, retirement is a financial status, not an age. You can retire as soon as you have enough money. The answer to your question is as soon as possible.

  3. The best year to retire would be the year you were born

    Each year after subsequently is a little worse

  4. You retire when you can financially afford to and you are also ready to give up your career. IDK about third world countries and such, but a good part of that plan might be to finally leave and join civilization.

  5. Retirement age in the USA is 65 so at least he’s doing better than (some) of us

  6. 18 preferably lol.

    Semi realistic, 45-50 for my circumstances.

    Most people retire aged 65-70 and die soon after…

  7. 50-55 imo.

    I’d say earlier but realistically usually ages 40-50 is when you get experienced and REALLY start making money. Not everyone gets to make bank in their 20s.

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