Lately, I find myself obsessing over minor things. I’ll spend hours thinking about whether to make a purchase (despite being healthy financially), nitpick on fitness/career/relationship, and in general spend too much time thinking about minor things. This has been a distraction and is constantly eating up time as I spend hours on Reddit researching or sitting and agonizing over minor things rather than putting my attention on major things – spending time studying for work, fitting in an extra workout, etc.

I think access to information and having my life in flux (currently in late 20s) are contributing factors. But I also see this behavior in my dad (e.g. spending time on the phone to get back $30 rather than thinking about his career, spends a lot of time worrying about my sibling even though she’s fine) and it’s not something I has when I was younger, so wondering if this happens with getting older.

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