My fellow Americans, I need wisdom. I read an article about how the increasing amount of high-top tables in restaurants is a real issue for ADA compliance and wheelchair users. The article talked about how popular they were with customers. I was AGOG. Everybody I know HATES high-top tables. My legs always dangle – there never seems to be a good height foot rest – and then go numb. I had assumed that their increased presence was part of restaurants generally making seating more uncomfortable so people would leave faster. So, who are these people who love high-top tables? Are you one of them? AMERICA, EXPLAIN.

  1. Completely agree, I absolutely hate them. Most of the time I’m pretty easy going so I’ll just tell the hostess that “I’ll sit wherever, it doesn’t matter”, usually forgetting about the god awful high tables, and then by mid meal I’m regretting not specifying that I wanted a lower table because having nowhere to put my feet is uncomfortable. 

  2. High tables are my favorite at sports bars, hands down. I hate sitting low and looking up at TVs during the game

  3. I don’t hate the highness exactly, but the chairs with them tend to be uncomfortable. I find booths more enjoyable.

  4. Honestly, I like the little round ones with 2 seats

    When I eat out alone, I feel like its the perfect place for me.


    Now that I am thinking about it, the restaurants I work at now has a mix of seating options. We have tables, booths, and a few tall smaller tables with the stool.

    People who come in alone for lunch or dinner almost always gravitate towards either a corner booth in the back of the stools by the window. While groups of 2 or more sit at the tables or other booths

  5. I like them bc I like to stand. but I like the ADA more, so I accept the valid criticism of them.

  6. I like them. I prefer being eye level with somebody (ie servers) rather than looking up at them.

  7. I like them if there are foot rests. I use a service dog and he has more room under them. 

  8. I like them in bars because they’re standing height and I don’t necessarily want to sit. At regular restaurants I don’t mind them, but I don’t have a particular preference for them either.

  9. I’m pretty short, and I don’t like them. My mother in law isn’t even 5 feet tall and she can’t actually sit at them. Mostly because she can’t use her hands all that well and has absolutely no balance.

  10. I generally do not like them. Bars are an exception because they often have footrests. At least the ones I’ve been to. I do not like sitting on a chair where my legs have to dangle.

  11. In addition to the chairs being really uncomfortable, I don’t like being all exposed out there. I 100% want a booth of there is one.

  12. I hate them. I’m plenty tall and still don’t find them comfortable. Plus I have kids and had to spend several years telling them we wouldn’t sit at them, since little kids tend to tip over those taller stools.

  13. I generally like them, yeah. The foot rests are usually perfect for me. (I’m 5’8”, my husband is 6’4”, there may be a reason we like them lol).

    That said, I really think they’re best in bar/sports bar, bar&grill, brewery (you get it) type situations. If I’m with my dad or grandma I’ll ask for a booth or something easier. I like being nestled in a booth too, feels safe. No one can sneak up on ya.

  14. Hate them. My legs go numb because my feet are usually too short to reach the rung on the chair.

  15. I’m average height for a woman and I hate them and will not sit in them. They are super uncomfortable.

  16. I like high tops. I also like to stand up at them instead of sitting in the chair.

    I really liked them when my kids were babies. It’s a lot easier to hold and rock a baby while eating one handed at a high top. At a normal table, my wife and I would have to tag each other in for turns to eat.

  17. I love them but I’m fairly tall so I can see how someone with shorter legs wouldn’t like them. But they have to have actual chairs not just stools. I hate stools at a Hightop that have no back rest.

  18. I hate them! My legs are too short for a standard chair. It’s even more ridiculous to try and get up on a bar stool. Ugh.

  19. I hate them so much. I’m disabled and sometimes use a wheelchair. If necessary, I can transfer to one of those chairs, but I know it’s going to be a challenge. Even if I’m just using my cane, it’s still a PITA to get into one. Then, like you said, my legs dangle and it inevitably pinches a nerve. Also, one of my disabilities involves my joints, and when my legs dangle like that, I feel like my hips are going to subluxate or dislocate.


    I only use those stupid tables about once a year. When I do, it’s because it’s the only type of table available and I really want to eat there.

  20. Short person here – loathe a high top. Climbing onto the chair, having my legs dangle, having to precariously jump down when I have to use the bathroom…there’s nothing redeeming about a high top.

  21. HATE THEM!!!!
    I don’t want to vault up to sit on a chair and jump back down to the ground.
    My feet barely touch the ground in a regular chair.

  22. I’m tall-ish (5′-11″) and I hate them. I can never find a good way to scoot my chair in after I’m sitting.

  23. I just hate having to lift myself a bit to get into a seat and then awkwardly try and scoot it forward. Followed by legs dangling and never knowing where to rest them. I’d rather just sit in a booth tucked away

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