\*repost\* me and this one girl are just friends we had feelings for eachother 2 months ago but now she told me she had lost feelings but up now recently “as friends” we made out and had some sexual activities. but i made a HUUUUUUUGEEEEEEE mistake i told her i caught feelings and love her and just freaked her out because i didnt know we were a FWB situation i thought we were falling in love but she just wanted to make out. so should i go into a FWB situation to make her catch feelings for me cause she has clearly stated “i dont have feelings for you but you’re a good friend” obviously she has somewhat attraction if she is willing to make out with me. so why not start a FWB situation to make her feel for me?

\*\* i am not using this girl for sexual desires only nor do i have intentions of hurting her i do love her\*\*

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