I just got home from running a much needed errand. As soon as I opened the front door I sense irritation or annoyance from my husband. So I greeted him accordingly. Still asked how he and the baby (7 months) are doing, I get a dry response. Offered him food and to make dinner he declined and said he’s fine. Which is normal he doesn’t eat heavy at night.

I got the baby, put him in his high seat and started putting away the small things I brought in with me. He asked if I was okay, I said yes.

The I grabbed the baby we went off to our room, I sat him on our bed deep inside.

I went into our closet high is 4 steps to take off my outside clothes before breastfeeding our baby.

I hear a loud THUMP! I see my baby on the floor I screamed frantically to grab the baby. He started crying I just grabbed and kissed him.

My husband from the living room screamed what happened then comes in the room WHAT HAPPENED where were you, screaming
I said please don’t scream at me, I didn’t mean for this to happened, while crying because I feel so bad for my baby.

He took the baby from me and console the baby while I’m frantic and distraught. That moment the baby started giggling and laughing

I feel like a horrible mom in the moment.

I went back in the room to cry. Then baby continued crying so I asked if I can breastfeed. He gave me the baby.

I went back to my husband to apologize for yelling and letting the baby fall by accident.

He basically said he wasn’t blaming me, he seen I came in with an attitude and it wasn’t true. I said it seem as if you were upset. We started bickering then he instantly shit it down and said I don’t want to argue. I said okay and walked off. Went in the room. I’m my mind I said it’s no point of taking to someone who doesn’t understand nothing!

I just wish he would be kinder! I just wish he knew how to communicate like a mature adult. Not be full of pride and at like a child.

I wish in that moment he showed up as a protector and console the baby while reassuring me that I’m a good mom and mistakes happen. Not placing instant blame!

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