Hey y’all, I’d like your opinion on how to handle the situation I’m in, cause I admittedly don’t have much experience with serious relationships recently and am unsure of how to handle it.

While traveling, I met this great woman and dated for a few weeks. It wasn’t/isn’t an exclusive thing because of the distance, but we liked each other and spent every weekend together. I left to go back home for a while, with both of us struggling to say goodbye, and we kept in touch messaging/talking every day.

I returned earlier this month, and things were great at first, but over the last couple of weeks, things have started to fall off slowly. She hasn’t been quite as engaged/affectionate the last two days we’ve been together and isn’t being especially responsive or initiating things. This past week I thought she just flat-out ghosted me at points, taking 2+ days to respond to my messages. We talked every day for nearly 3 months up until then, so I considered it notable.

That was up until Sunday, when she with short notice asked to have dinner, though I was busy so I couldn’t make it. I’m confused though on how to proceed though based on her actions and would like to address it with her directly.

What’s the best way to ask someone where we stand in regards to what we have? I’d like to see her again, but not if she’s not gonna be invested in it or not value me, which seems like what’s happening at this point. At the very least I’d like some closure, as she’s the first girl I’ve really liked in quite a while, and to have it just fizzle out or get ghosted would hurt. Given that, I’d welcome any of y’alls advice

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