This all started because her mom kicked her out after an argument. She also got in a wreck recently and her mom wanted to hold the insurance money which is what led to the argument. I also live with my mom so she can’t stay with me. She told me the only place she could stay was with her ex and throughout our relationship she’s always mentioned how she doesn’t have friends or family and basically only has me. I knew it was bad but I never realized it was to the point that if i wasn’t around her ex would be the only person she had. We’ve been together for almost a year now (1 year anniversary in less than a week). I just feel bad breaking up with her when she doesn’t have a car or actual home but i don’t think i can handle this mentally. Especially since she’s compared me to him before. he also called her once when he got sick because he was scared. On top of that he came to where me and her work to apologize. i’m not sure why she allowed that to even happen being that we were together for a while at this point. especially in person because what was even the point. If given the opportunity to rekindle things emotionally or physically I’m sure he’d take it. With how open she is to hearing him out stuff just seems like she still has a soft spot for him as well. Outside of her living with him, I just don’t think I can move forward knowing that me and her ex are her only support system.

TL;DR My girlfriend is in a tough spot after losing her car and has no choice but to live with her ex.

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