So, i was seeing thus girl for 3-4 months, we met at the college only like 6 months ago and started hitting it off right away, however nothing serous was intended out of it since duration for the college is an yr only, so it was pretty much friends with benefits situation, we became quite fond of each other and had some good moments, it was quite a positive and uplifting experience dating each other.
Well, the things went sideways pretty quickly, she became somewhat disinterested gradually and i asked her, what’s wrong to which she replied that everything’s fine and its just her periods. However a few days later she told me that she doesn’t want to date anymore whether it’s casual or serious for no apparent reason and she just isn’t feeling it, moreover she told me that one of our batchmates showed her my tinder profile, but she told that it has nothing to do with her decision to walk out. She intended to stay friends after with which I didn’t have problem of course, however i had become quite attached to her and was unable to digest this change so i slowly withdrew from her, we didn’t talk much but still used to hang out in the college, i sought closure so i asked her once again for the reason to which she gave an evasive answer. After that we had vacations for 2 months during which time we weren’t in contact much, just a few texts.
So, after the vacations she wanted to meet me and initiated a meet up twice but it wasn’t possible since i was occupied with some other stuff, so i asked her a few days later, apparently even that didn’t succeed because she was busy that day. Things have gotten quite awkward now since we have same friend circle and are avoiding each other, this awkwardness is eating me up from inside.

What would your advice be for me ? Should i talk with her or let the things take their natural course

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