I (21F) have been contemplating my dating situation for a while now. It’s been a little over a year since I dated someone, and I’ve done some much needed self-reflection and self-improvement since then. I’ve determined that I want to look for a man who is generally good-natured, both respectable and respectful, who works hard and takes care of himself.

Now, there’s this guy (21?M) in one of my classes whom I’ve known for a while who meets this criteria and then some; he’s incredibly smart, carries himself well, is kind to others, *and* he speaks Spanish (we’ve shared Spanish classes before). We haven’t talked about anything beyond classwork, so I don’t feel like I know him well enough to determine whether I would like dating him or not. How should I approach this? Should I try to get to know him better, or should I just leave it be? Edit for context: I don’t have much experience with flirting, since all my previous relationships gradually morphed from friendship > dating.

1 comment
  1. Talk to him more, extend it beyond classwork. Show him you are interested in him and his life, it doesn’t have to be flirty from the get go. You have nothing to lose in this situation. Then slowly progress into more. I think i can speak for a lot of guys that when a woman is GENUINELY interested in our interests we eat that up.

    The more you speak the more you’ll get to know his likes and interests. He likes a certain type of food? suggest going to get some together and see his response then.

    Nothing should feel forced

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